At long last, I am pleased to welcome you to IG4.Me Hosting. Today we are official in the Alpha stage. While we are a new company in the market, IG4, I bring a lot of experience and passion for the WordPress Hosting field, and we believe that will outshine the rest of our competition.
With the release of our Alpha, we also bring to the platform many new tools to help you and your website succeed. Like Smoosh that automatically optimizes your images for you, and Hummingbird that enables you to maintain a quick and agile site. We are also now including tools for SEO, Security, Email campaign, form/polls building, backup, and so much more. Not to mention weekly reports outlining everything you need to know about your site — all at a professional grade that will give you the advantage over your completion.
What is next? Currently, we are working on refining the initial signup. Once we have improved that, and everything is looking good, we will be moving into our Beta Stage. The projected timeline for this in mid-March. After that, we will continue to develop and maintain existing tools to help give you the advantage over your completion.